Disaster Pet Locator


Welcome! This site was developed to assist pet owners and pet finders reunite pets with their families.

This database was built right after the Sept. 19, 2017 earthquake in Mexico City. There were many entities working together to help pets get back home or to be adopted. DPL worked with groups like Mascotas Sismo CDMX, Centros de Acopió, Scout groups, and Veterinarians. Located in Los Angeles, California, since May 2017, Disaster Pet Locator works in collaboration with pet shelters, rescuers, community organizations, Facebook communities, and other on-the-ground groups to reunite pets and their families. We immediately reached out to groups in Northern California to offer our assistance as well as groups in Los Angeles County.

The Lost and Found Pets link takes the viewer directly to the database with information for all lost and found pets entered.

The Publish Pet Info link allows anyone who lost or found a pet to enter in the data, the information to share with the general public.

The Rescuers link is an online form for rescue organizations, veterinarian clinics, kennels, pet service providers or private individuals who are sheltering lost pet and wish to list their organization as a Partner. We hope this list of affiliates all working for the same purpose of getting these precious pets back home is a great resource to pet families!

The Maps link provides a map-view of the pets entered into the database.